Fedir Gontsa

Personal site.


About #30DayMapChallenge

This is a global cartographic challenge that has been happening on Twitter since 2019. «The idea is to create (and publish) maps based on different themes on each day of the month using the hashtag #30DayMapChallenge, You can prepare the maps beforehand, but the main idea is to publish maps from specific topics on specific days listed below. Just include a picture of the map when you post to Twitter with the hashtag. You don’t have to sign up anywhere to participate. There are no restrictions on the tools, technologies or the data you use in your maps.» — by 30daymapchallenge.com

You can see many interesting and incredible works under the hashtag #30DayMapChallenge on Twitter. No matter if you are a GIS expert or never made a map before this challenge, everyone is welcome to participate, But keep in mind a few things:

I am incredibly grateful to the wonderful Topi Tjukanov from Helsinki, Suomi for organizing this wonderful and much-needed cartographic holiday. Of course, it is difficult to come up with and make a map every day, but it is definitely worth it!

I survived #30DayMapChallenge third time in a row and this is 90 maps about Ukraine.

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If you're looking for uniquely crafted & beautiful maps —
let's get in touch!

Fedir Gontsa
Cartographic Designer, GIS Specialist, Architect

© 2008 — 2025 Fedir Gontsa. All rights reserved.
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  • fedir {a} gontsa . com
  • Cherkasy, Ukraine
  • +380 93 654-22-24